Maps - Directions

Location + Map

Chic Eco Yurt + Gardens is located in Nanawale Estates.

Google text driving directions from Hilo Airport to Lehua Circle is here.

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Driving directions from Kona Airport to Lehua Circle here.

Whether you are driving from the Hilo or Kona airport, you will end up in Keaau. Below is a google map.

Link to open the map in a new window here.

Find a newly constructed roundabout as you approach Pahoa Town, rendering below. See Malama Gas N Go on the right as you drive into the roundabout.

I suggest that you drive through unique and friendly Pahoa Town. See signage to Pahoa, ― or you may bypass town by following signage to Kalapana. Either route, you are on your way to the yurt in Nanawale Estates.

From the roundabout bypass to Kalapana, you will turn left at the light onto Highway 132.

If driving through Pahoa Town, the last stop light is by the Pahoa High School where you drive straight onto Highway 132.

  • Drive less than one mile to Nanawale Estates. See “Nanawale Blvd” sign on right before left turn.
  • Turn left onto Nanawale Boulevard. Prepare to drive .7 mile distance.
  • Look to left as you pass Duff Lane. Upon .7 mile distance, see Kapuna Road.
  • Turn left onto Kapuna. There is a faded mustard-brown wood home on the left corner side.
  • Prepare to drive .9 mile distance down Kapuna Road. 
  • Caution: shortly after the turn onto Kapuna there are a group of potholes, usually covered with gravel, so drive very slowly to pass them.
  • Pass island-named roads: Maui, Oahu, Molokai, etc. After you pass the Papu Road sign on the left side of Kapuna, the next left is Lehua Road.
  • Turn left onto Lehua Road. Pass home on left side and look left for the next driveway, which is beside a painted water catchment of bright colors.
  • Park near the path along the side of the catchment to unload luggage.
  • Follow the path to the street-side entrance with covered lanai.


To read about vendors and activities in the area, see the Location Guide page.